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- Incdir Df1:
- Include Source/CustomRegisters
- Section Cube,Code_c
- Ciaapra = $BFE001
- Openlibrary = -30-522
- Disable = -120
- Enable = -126
- Startlist = 38
- Execbase = 4
- Move.l Execbase,a6
- Jsr Disable(a6)
- ;-------- Switch Copper DMA ----------
- Move.l #Clstart,Cop1lc
- Clr Copjmp1
- Move.w #$8780,Dmacon
- Move.w #$0020,Dmacon
- Lea Spr0data,a0
- Moveq #7,d0
- Clop
- Clr.l (a0)
- Addq.l #8,a0
- Dbf d0,Clop
- ;------ Wait for Vertical position 1 --------
- Wait: Move.l $dff004,d2
- And.l #$0001ff00,d2
- Cmp.l #$00000100,d2
- Bne.s Wait
- Addq #2,Zrot
- And #$1fe,Zrot
- Addq #4,Yrot
- And #$1fe,Yrot
- Subq #2,Xrot
- And #$1fe,Xrot
- Bsr TD_rout
- Btst #6,Ciaapra
- Bne Wait
- ;------ Restore old Copper list -----------
- Move.l Execbase,a6
- Move.l #Grname,a1
- Clr.l d0
- Jsr Openlibrary(a6)
- Move.l d0,a4
- Move.l Startlist(a4),Cop1lc
- Clr.w Copjmp1
- Move.w #$83E0,Dmacon
- Jsr Enable(a6)
- Clr.l d0
- Rts
- ;--------- 3D graphics ------------
- TD_rout
- Move.l Current(pc),d0
- Move d0,Screen+2
- Swap d0
- Move d0,Screen+6
- Eor.l #$3000,Current
- Move.l Current(pc),a0
- Move.l #$1f00000,Bltcon0
- Move.l a0,Bltdpth
- Clr Bltadat
- Clr Bltdmod
- Move #256*64+20,Bltsize
- Move #No_points-1,d7
- Lea Points(pc),a4
- Lea Sintable+$40(pc),a1
- Lea Rotated_coords(pc),a2
- Lea Perspective(pc),a3
- TD_loop
- Move (a4)+,d0
- Move d0,d2
- Move (a4)+,d1
- Move d1,d3
- Move Zrot(pc),d6
- Move $40(a1,d6),d4
- Move -$40(a1,d6),d5
- Muls d4,d0
- Muls d5,d1
- Sub.l d1,d0
- Add.l d0,d0
- Swap d0 ;d0 holds intermediate x coord
- Muls d5,d2
- Muls d4,d3
- Add.l d3,d2
- Add.l d2,d2
- Swap d2 ;d2 holds intermediate y coord
- Move d2,d4
- Move (a4)+,d1 ;z coord
- Move d1,d3
- Move Xrot(pc),d6
- Move $40(a1,d6),d5
- Move -$40(a1,d6),d6
- Muls d5,d2
- Muls d6,d1
- Sub.l d1,d2
- Add.l d2,d2
- Swap d2 ;d2 holds the final y coord
- Muls d5,d3
- Muls d6,d4
- Add.l d4,d3
- Add.l d3,d3
- Swap d3 ;d3 holds intermediate z coord
- Move d0,d1
- Move d3,d4
- Move Yrot(pc),d6
- Move $40(a1,d6),d5
- Move -$40(a1,d6),d6
- Muls d5,d3
- Muls d6,d0
- Sub.l d0,d3
- Add.l d3,d3
- Swap d3 ;d3 holds the final z coord
- Muls d6,d4
- Muls d5,d1
- Add.l d4,d1
- Add.l d1,d1
- Swap d1 ;d1 holds the final x coord
- Add Depth(pc),d3
- Add d3,d3
- Move (a3,d3),d5
- Muls d5,d1
- Muls d5,d2
- Add.l d1,d1
- Swap d1
- Add #160,d1
- Add.l d2,d2
- Swap d2
- Add #128,d2
- Move d1,(a2)+
- Move d2,(a2)+
- Dbf d7,TD_loop
- Move #No_connects-1,d7
- Lea $dff000,a5
- Lea Connect(pc),a3
- Lea Rotated_coords(pc),a4
- Moveq #40,d0
- Lea Mul40(pc),a1
- Lea Bits(pc),a2
- Lea Faces(pc),a6
- B_wait2
- Btst #14,Dmaconr
- Bne.s B_wait2
- Move #$ffff,Bltafwm
- Move d0,$60(a5) ;Bltcmod
- Move d0,$66(a5) ;Bltdmod
- Move #$ffff,$72(a5) ;Bltbdat
- Draw_loop
- Move (a3)+,d6
- Move (a4,d6),d0
- Move 2(a4,d6),d1
- Move (a3)+,d6
- Move (a4,d6),d2
- Move 2(a4,d6),d3
- Cmp d0,d2
- Bne.s Draw
- Cmp d1,d3
- Beq.s Nodraw
- Draw
- Bsr Line
- Nodraw
- Dbf d7,Draw_loop
- Bwit
- Btst #14,Dmaconr
- Bne.s Bwit
- Rts
- ;----------- Line Draw ------------
- Line
- Moveq #0,d4
- Move d1,d4
- Add d4,d4
- Move (a1,d4),d4
- Moveq #-$10,d5
- And d0,d5
- Lsr #3,d5
- Add d5,d4
- Add.l a0,d4
- Moveq #0,d5
- Sub d1,d3
- Roxl.b d5
- Tst d3
- Bge.s Y2gy1
- Neg d3
- Y2gy1
- Sub d0,d2
- Roxl.b d5
- Tst d2
- Bge.s X2gx1
- Neg d2
- X2gx1
- Move d3,d1
- Sub d2,d1
- Bge.s Dygdx
- Exg d2,d3
- Dygdx
- Roxl.b d5
- Move.b Octant_table(pc,d5),d5
- Add d2,d2
- Wblit
- Btst #14,Dmaconr
- Bne.s Wblit
- Move d2,$62(a5) ;Bltbmod
- Sub d3,d2
- Bge.s Signn1
- Or.b #$40,d5
- Signn1
- Move d2,$52(a5) ;Bltaptl
- Sub d3,d2
- Move d2,$64(a5) ;Bltamod
- Move #$8000,$74(a5) ;Bltadat
- Add d0,d0
- Move (a2,d0),$40(a5) ;Bltcon0
- Move d5,$42(a5) ;Bltcon1
- Move.l d4,$48(a5) ;Bltcpth
- Move.l d4,$54(a5) ;Bltdpth
- Lsl #6,d3
- Addq #2,d3
- Move d3,$58(a5) ;Bltsize
- Rts
- ;---------- Constants -------------
- Octant_table
- Dc.b 1,17,9,21,5,25,13,29
- Grname: Dc.b "graphics.library",0
- Even
- ;----------- Variables ------------
- Xrot Dc.w $100
- Yrot Dc.w 0
- Zrot Dc.w 0
- Current Dc.l $70000
- Depth Dc.w 180
- Depthpt Dc.w 0
- ;---------- Copperlists -----------
- Clstart:
- Wait 0,20
- Mov $1a81,Diwstrt
- Mov $39c1,Diwstop
- Mov $0038,Ddfstrt
- Mov $00d0,Diwstop
- Screen
- Mov 0,Bpl1ptl
- Mov 7,Bpl1pth
- Mov $1200,Bplcon0
- Mov 0,Bpl1mod
- Mov 0,Color00
- Mov $fff,Color01
- Wait 224,255
- Wait $fe,$ff
- ;--------- Binaries -------------
- No_points = 8
- No_connects = 12
- No_faces = 6
- Points
- Dc.w 100,100,100
- Dc.w -100,100,100
- Dc.w -100,-100,100
- Dc.w 100,-100,100
- Dc.w 100,100,-100
- Dc.w -100,100,-100
- Dc.w -100,-100,-100
- Dc.w 100,-100,-100
- Connect
- Dc.w 0,4
- Dc.w 4,8
- Dc.w 8,12
- Dc.w 12,0
- Dc.w 16,20
- Dc.w 20,24
- Dc.w 24,28
- Dc.w 28,16
- Dc.w 0,16
- Dc.w 4,20
- Dc.w 8,24
- Dc.w 12,28
- Rotated_coords
- Dcb.w No_points*2,0
- Sintable
- Incbin Binary/Sin
- Incbin Binary/Sin
- Perspective
- Incbin Binary/Perspective
- Mul40
- A set 0
- Rept 320
- Dc.w A*40
- A set A+1
- Endr
- A set 0
- Bits
- Rept 320
- Dc.w ((A&$f)*$1000)+$bca
- A set A+1
- Endr
- Size
- A set 0
- Rept 320
- Dc.w (A*64)+2
- A set A+1
- Endr